Thursday, February 18, 2010

Teaching is a Team Sport

A fellow teacher named Alice told me something that has helped me out over the years. I was a young teacher at the time and was trying to work hard at a school to distinguish myself from other faculty members. She said, "Shane, teaching is a team sport. Don't try to reinvent the wheel."

Her remark took me off guard. She had noticed how diligently I had been preparing lesson plans, how much I poured myself into my lessons, and she noticed that I was burning out. She was an older, veteran teacher, and she informed me that it was important not only to pace myself, but to not do tasks unnecessarily. She said that the more I networked, the better I could accomplish difficult tasks. "Other teachers can be brilliant, too, Shane," she informed, "so find out what they are doing and see how they can help you."

I was a little stung that she thought I was doing things incorrectly (and that she noticed I thought I was brilliant), but her words hit home. I was really working hard by myself, trying to set myself apart, and I failed to see myself as part of a larger team. I was going solo, and I wasn't going anywhere as quickly as I would have liked (in fact, I had a chip on my shoulder because I felt I was working so hard compared to everyone else that would often sit around and chat).

So I decided to change. I involved myself by speaking to other teachers. I asked questions, showed some of my plans, and gathered information. Alice later would explain that all teachers have a toolbox in which they have collected a number of tools. It was our job as teachers to collect as many useful tools as we could rather than create our own tools. Her words still ring true to me today.

So I shifted to this new approach, and as you can guess, something amazing happened. I found that these fellow teachers of mine had all kinds of tools: resources and ideas and activities that would influence mine. I found that they had ideas that I could use almost every day, and often their ideas were better than mine. In a short time, I became so much more equipped and informed and able to perform in the classroom. I had a toolbox that would have taken me years to create. All because I asked teachers what they were doing.

And ultimately, while I was happy to have improved myself as a teacher, I was also saddened to discover how much I had shortchanged myself by not making myself a part of a group. I had learned that I wasn't just a teacher caring about students on my own, I was a member of a team. And when we worked together, we could accomplish so much more than when we were apart. It was exhilerating and I loved getting ideas. And I made some friends. It was much more fun to be a teacher this way.

And now, get I have all of these great ideas that don't come from me at all. I've said it before and I'll say it again. My best ideas are not my own. So if you ever hear me say something or do something you like, make sure you don't just thank me.

Thank Alice.


  1. Shane, must agree with you. It's always better when we share ideas and activities and listen to other teachers to know what they are doing.
    A history teacher once told me that "everyone knows something you don't know." Quite true! :)

    Let's share and keep in touch!

    Kind Regards,
    Eduardo Santos

  2. I appreciate these wonderful words " Teaching is a Team Sport ".
    I think that however desirous and hardworking a man was, is still in need of listening to others and asking them to acquire what is good and useful.To be distiguished, he has to perform and present something perfect and out of ordinary so as to make some change.
    And this is what we really need as ESL Teachers.
    We are in need of changing our traditional ideas,methodology and techniques about teaching and learning.We have to know how we make teaching fun and effective at the same time to creat a new educated generation.
    We could achieve this goal by working in one team .One team work for common goal.We should remember that working in teams help in distributing the workload,reinforcing individual capabilities,greating participation and involvement ,making better decisons,feeling that each member play a part in the work being done and generating a diversity of ideas.
    In this way will achieve our goal that is to blend the different personalities and abilities into a cohesive unit willing to work for common goal. Everyone of the team will form a new kind of Leader " as a teacher ".A leader whose job is not to control,but to teach , encourge and organize when necessary.

    Best Regards,
    Huda Abdullateef Muhammed
    July 16,2010
